Future blessings

So many times we want every thing right away. When we are hungry we Usually recure to the most fast way of getting food and we end up with JUNK FOOD. Our like here in the states life is so fast paced we are used to getting things fast. But Sometimes that's how we might start feeling when it comes to Jehovah blessing us. After a trial after hardships we might expect Jehovah to blesses right away and if he doesn't we might ask ourselves but why? What did I do wrong?
But it's really all about patience. Jehovah knows when he will when we would need the blessing the most. I remember an experience from a close friend. He was going on his 5th year of being a ministerial servant and he started thinking Jehovah is going to bless me twice as more this year then he had already. But then his mom got an a near death accident he lost his Job he lost his opportunity of working again for the company. But he didn't lose his faith. He got discourage for a moment and I remember him saying how foolish of me to have thought that. Its not about the years you've had a privilege for its about staying loyal to jehovah.Is like the day you got babtuise is like you give a slap on the face to satan of course his going to want to break you, crumble you, step on you, destroy you. But you know what ? If you stay loyal to Jehovah the FUTURE BLESSINGS will come. Always keep in mind that if it isn't now It might be later in The future that Jehovah will blesses us.

I hope everyone is doing good. I'm fine thanks to Jehovah we just had our district convention last Weekend and we had brother Jackson of the governing body give talks for the 3 days. He really has a way of captivating the audience attention. He gave some illustrations that honestly I wouldn't have thought about it like that. For example he compared us to a dog (I know seems a bit awkward lol) but it's like you play fetch with a dog you throw the ball and the dog runs and gets it and comes back ahhhhh (brother started doing the noise dogs do when there tired) then you throw it again he comes back with the ball ahhh (brother started doing the noise dogs do when there tired). That dog will never be satisfied. That could be us satan throwing the ball buy a new car and out we go chasing the "ball" to buy a new car he throws it again buy a new television and out we go do it. We then start wanting more and more until we aren't satisfied no more. That's what satan wants.  

So many great reminders In the assembly. And well what's new with me? I got a part time job :D I've been there for a couple months already. Its been pretty flexible so I got enough time for meeting and service. Also there is an assembly hall project going on locally. I've been invited so I'm so excited for that I went for a couple of days and a sister offered me to stay in her house to sleep. I live about 1 hour and a half away from it but traffic in L.A is terrible. But Idk really what I'm going to do if I'm going to leave my job to serve for the project which will end in February stay every month for 2 weeks And go back home for another 2 weeks. I will leave it under prayer and see what Jehovah wants of me. His the one that would lead me to the best decision. I will keep you guys posted of what happens.

Many photos to come soon :)

Sincerely, Jenny ^_^


  1. You're talking about the Norco project right? I'm working in Volunteer Services there. See you at check in!

    1. Yes I am. Really I'm actually here today and hopefully would be coming back next week :)

  2. Its true what you said, and I hope you make the right decision, Jehovah will help you no matter what. :)Hope to see you in Norco!

  3. Jenny,
    You are soooo totally tru we just need to trust in Jehovah and continue faithful in his service no matter what..no matter what we face..no matter what hardships we endure. Jehovah will help us through ANY and EVERYthing! It's amazing to think about! Girl I know Jehovah will help you make the right decsion! Keep it up girl!

    1. Exactally Jehovah knows whats best for us. Thank you girlie.

  4. It's so easy to slip into what is easy, junk food or spiritual laziness. It is a very useful trick for Satan. I love brother Jackson's talks! Wish we could hear more. What a privileged.

    A Missionary's Life

    1. His talks are amazing! He also gave the example of when we get irrtiated with a brother. Its like when a car runs out if gas we dont give up on it and leave it on the side of the rode. We look for a gas station to get it running again. Thats the same with our brothers sometimes they might irritate us and just feel like giving up on them (our leave the gas less car on the side of the rode) but we dont because we need it. We need our brothers. And well of course imagine brother jackson giving it with all sound effect of the car breaking. Just amazing


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